"So sang Yuriy Yurchuk einen profund strömenden Lescaut, der stimmlich und darstellerisch starke Präsenz zeigte "

(So Yuriy Yurchuk sang a profoundly flowing Lescaut, which showed strong presence vocally and dramatically)


“Yuriy Yurchuk ... Sein charaktervoller Bariton strömt wunderbar, und dadurch, dass bis auf einen Strich die geamte Partitur gepielt wurde, erhält Lescaut hier auch das notwendige Gewicht.”

("Yuriy Yurchuk ... his characterful baritone flows wonderfully, and because of that, as a red line through the whole score, Lescaut gets here the necessary weight.")

Oper Aktuell

“Yuriy Yurchuk offered a mellifluous Lescaut, making the most of “Ne bronchez pas, soyez gentille”, in a dialogue that Vitter parodied as a female equivalent to army life. “


"grossartig gesungen von Yuriy Yurchuk ."

(Great singing by Yuriy Yurchuk)

Aargauer Zeitung

“Excellent Yuriy Yurchuk”

Seen And Heard International

“Beweglich agiert Yuriy Yurchuk als Manon Vetter’’

(Agile act as Manon cousing by Yuriy Yurchuk)


“Als Manons Bruder Lescaut war Yuriy Yurchuk ebenso glaubhaft, hier aber nun als Vertreter einer verlogenen Gesellschaft. Der Sänger verfügt über einen kräftigen Bariton, gerade im richtigen Mass für den Soldaten.’’

“As Manon's brother Lescaut Yuriy Yurchuk was just as credible, but now as a representative of a hypocritical society. The singer has a strong baritone, just the right size for the soldier”

Online Merker


“Den Cousin Lescaut singt YURIY YURCHUK mit facettenreicher Stimme und überzeugt auch durch sein Spiel.”

( YURYY YURCHUK sings the cousin Lescaut with the multi-faceted voice and also convinces with his acting.)


Enfin, nous découvrons un baryton-basse de belle stature : l’Ukrainien Yuriy Yurchuk, voix enveloppante et puissante qui sied à un Lescaut plus charmant encore que sa gentille cousine.

"Finally, we discover a bass-baritone of beautiful stature: the Ukrainian Yuriy Yurchuk, enveloping voice and powerful befitting a Lescaut even more charming than his kind cousin.”
